Media Library

Search results for '"christmas"'...

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Sun 01st Jan 2023 09:45 Wargrave 9.45am Luke 2:16-20, Christmas Shepherds hear and obey Camilla Cook
Sun 25th Dec 2022 09:45 Wargrave 9.45am Luke 2: 1-15, Advent Christmas Morning Richard Eves
Sun 22nd Dec 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Micah 5: 1-4, Matthew 2: 1-8 Prophecies of Christmas A Shepherd Hugh Barne
Sun 15th Dec 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 11: 1-5, Matthew 1: 1-17 Prophecies of Christmas A Branch Steve Turville
Sun 08th Dec 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 9: 1-7, Matthew 1: 18-25 Prophecies of Christmas A Ruler John Cook
Sun 01st Dec 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 7: 10-17, Matthew 1: 18-25 Prophecies of Christmas Trusting prophecies Hugh Barne
Sun 23rd Dec 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Micah 5: 2-5a, Luke 1: 39-56 Luke's Countdown to Christmas The Magnificat John Cook
Sun 16th Dec 2018 18:00 Wargrave 9.45am Seven Christmas readings, Which of the Christmas characters do you match? Steve Turville
Sun 16th Dec 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Zeph 3: 14-20, Luke 1: 26-38 Luke's Countdown to Christmas God of the ordinary, the extraordinary, to be trusted. Hugh Barne
Sun 09th Dec 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Malachi 3: 1-4, Luke 1: 1-25 Luke's Countdown to Christmas God's Grace for all John Cook
Mon 25th Dec 2017 10:00 Wargrave 9.45am Titus 2: 11-16, Pass the parcel - unwrapping Jesus at Christmas Steve Turville
Sun 24th Dec 2017 18:00 Mediaplay Christmas is Good News, not fake. Hugh Barne
Sun 17th Dec 2017 18:00 Mediaplay John 1: 1-14 From darkness to light at Christmas Hugh Barne
Sun 03rd Jan 2016 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Ephesians 1:3-14, Luke 2:21-40 Christmas is... Christmas is Revelation Steve Turville
Sun 20th Dec 2015 18:00 Wargrave 9.45am John 1: 1-14 Christmas Presents Jon Drake
Sun 20th Dec 2015 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Hebrews 10: 5-10, Luke 1: 26-45 Christmas is... Christmas is disturbing [unset]
Sun 13th Dec 2015 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Luke 1: 5-25 Christmas is... Christmas makes you speechless John Cook
Sun 06th Dec 2015 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Philippians 1:3-11, Luke 1:1-4 Christmas is... Christmas is no fairytale Jon Drake
Wed 25th Dec 2013 10:00 Wargrave 9.45am Philippians 2: 6-11 Unwrapping the Christmas Parcel John Cook
Mon 24th Dec 2012 23:00 Wargrave 9.45am Hebrews 1: 1-4, John 1:1-17 Three surprises of Christmas John Cook
Sun 25th Dec 2011 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am John 1: 1-14 Jesus came as a baby at Christmas, but he wears many "hats" John Cook

How to search the media library for Recorded Sermons

Most sermons at St. Mary's are recorded and are available as computer files (.mp3)  so that you can listen to them on your computer at home, or download them to transfer them to your portable music player (eg iPod). These files are stored in the Media Library, which holds the most recent sermons preached and recorded. An archive of sermons from several years back is kept and . Click on "Play" or the Right-chevron in the black box to play the sermon; or click on "Download" to obtain a copy to store on your own computer for playing later. You can also click on the "Passage" Bible references to read the passage(s) on which the sermon is based.  

 It is also possible to  on audio CD if you are unable to play .mp3 files. 

Occasionally other .mp3 files of interest (apart from sermons)  are added to this library under the heading of "Mediaplay"

You can search the library in various ways by typing in the box below what you wish to find.  (Use double quotes (shift and "2") for specific phrases)  

  • recent displays those preached in the last few weeks (as in the list at the top of this page)
  • 10:30 John recent displays recent sermons by John at the 10:30am service
  • Jan 2011 will display all the sermons in that month
  • 2012 will display all the sermons so far in this year
  • "Exodus 3" will display any sermons on Exodus 3
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