Media Library

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Sun 07th Feb 2021 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Ruth 4, Matthew 11: 1-17 Ruth God behind the scenes Hugh Barne
Sun 31st Jan 2021 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Ruth 3:, Luke 18: 18-30 Ruth God behind the scenes Hugh Barne
Sun 24th Jan 2021 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Ruth 2, Mark 8: 30-38 Ruth God behind the scenes Hugh Barne
Sun 17th Jan 2021 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Ruth 1, Luke 1: 68-79 Ruth Shattered dreams Hugh Barne
Sun 27th Dec 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Exodus 13: 1-16, Luke 2: 22-40 Dedication in the Temple Hugh Barne
Sun 13th Dec 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 97: 1-12, John 1: 1-9 Jesus brings Light and Life Hugh Barne
Sun 22nd Nov 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 103: 13-18, Luke 12: 13-34 Riches, Value and Treasure Hugh Barne
Sun 01st Nov 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 55: 1-7, Matthew 11: 25-30 Listen and Learn Hugh Barne
Sun 11th Oct 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Revelation 22:1-5, Mark 15: 33-41 Genesis The New Creation Hugh Barne
Sun 20th Sep 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Genesis 3, Romans 5: 12-19 Genesis Sin comes to Eden Hugh Barne
Sun 30th Aug 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 53:1-12, Mark 8:27-38 Jesus and his Disciples Who is Jesus? Hugh Barne
Sun 19th Jul 2020 09:00 St Mary's Holy Communion Jeremiah 17: 5-14, Mark 7: 14-23 Deceitful hearts Hugh Barne
Sun 28th Jun 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Galatians 5: 13-26, James 5: 7-11 Fruit of the Spirit Patience, Kindness, Goodness Hugh Barne
Sun 07th Jun 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Mark 7: 1-23, Galatians : 1-26 Spirit filled life Justified and Sanctified Hugh Barne
Sun 10th May 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am John 2: 13-22, i Peter 2: 1-10 1 Peter Church - the People of God Hugh Barne
Sun 19th Apr 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Genesis 22: 9-14, Hebrews 6: 9-14 Online A Steadfast Anchor Hugh Barne
Sun 22nd Mar 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Luke 12: 22-34, Online The Providing and Protecting God Hugh Barne
Sun 01st Mar 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Heb 12: 1-13, Luke 9: 57-62 A Better Way - Hebrews Running the race Hugh Barne
Sun 09th Feb 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Hebrews 7:26-8:7, Luke 23:32-43 A Better Way - Hebrews Truer and Better Pt 1 Hugh Barne
Sun 19th Jan 2020 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Hebrews 2: 10-18, John 1: 29-42 A Better Way - Hebrews The Only Hope Hugh Barne
Wed 25th Dec 2019 10:00 Wargrave 9.45am Luke 2: 1-15, Prepare Him Room Hugh Barne
Sun 22nd Dec 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Micah 5: 1-4, Matthew 2: 1-8 Prophecies of Christmas A Shepherd Hugh Barne
Sun 01st Dec 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 7: 10-17, Matthew 1: 18-25 Prophecies of Christmas Trusting prophecies Hugh Barne
Sun 10th Nov 2019 10:00 Wargrave 9.45am Micah 4: 1-5, Matthew 5: 1-12 War - and the Cross Hugh Barne
Sun 27th Oct 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Genesis 22:, Romans 4: 13-25 Abraham Trusting the God who provides Hugh Barne
Sun 22nd Sep 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 55, Matthew 6: 19-24 God's Provision Hugh Barne
Sun 08th Sep 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Luke 10: 25-37 The Good Samaritan - Our Responsibility Hugh Barne
Sun 01st Sep 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 104, Luke 16: 10-13 Psalms Sovereign God Hugh Barne
Sun 18th Aug 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 147, John 12: 1-8 Psalms Teach us to pray - adoration and thanksgiving Hugh Barne
Sun 21st Jul 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Romans 3: 9-26, Luke 23: 13-25 Romans An incredible provision Hugh Barne
Sun 14th Jul 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Romans 2: 1-29, Matt 7: 1-6 Romans A humbling examination Hugh Barne
Sun 23rd Jun 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Romans 1: 1-17, Acts 23: 11-22 Romans The good news of the gospel Hugh Barne
Sun 02nd Jun 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am John 20: 11-22, Acts 1: 1-8 Mission in today's world The Pattern of Mission Hugh Barne
Sun 19th May 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am 2 Cor 5: 11-21, Mark 6: 7-13 Mission in today's world The motivation for mission Hugh Barne
Sun 05th May 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 11:1-12, John 12: 20-33 Mission in today's world The message of mission Hugh Barne
Sun 14th Apr 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 53:1-12, Matthew 27: 11-31 Towards Easter Responses to guilt Hugh Barne
Sun 24th Mar 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Exodus 34: 1-9, Matthew 18: 21-35 Towards Easter The way to forgiveness Hugh Barne
Sun 24th Feb 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am John 6: 30-51, Exodus 16: 1-20 Exodus Grumbling in the desert Hugh Barne
Sun 03rd Feb 2019 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Exodus 7, John 12: 36-43 Exodus Listening to God humbly Hugh Barne
Tue 25th Dec 2018 10:00 Wargrave 9.45am I Kings 10: 1-9, Matthew 2: 1-12 Finding the King Hugh Barne
Mon 24th Dec 2018 18:00 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 9: 2,6,7, Luke 2: 22-38 Light into darkness Hugh Barne
Sun 16th Dec 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Zeph 3: 14-20, Luke 1: 26-38 Luke's Countdown to Christmas God of the ordinary, the extraordinary, to be trusted. Hugh Barne
Sun 18th Nov 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Joel 2: 18-32, Mark 13: 1-8 Joel Waiting Hugh Barne
Sun 23rd Sep 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am 1 Cor 12: 12-20, Luke 12: 13-21 Harvest of our lives , Warnings John Cook, Hugh Barne
Sun 26th Aug 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Ephesians 5:21-6:9, John 6: 6-39 Ephesians Submission Hugh Barne
Sun 22nd Jul 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Eph 3:1-14, John 5:30-47 Ephesians The Gospel revealed and spread Hugh Barne
Sun 08th Jul 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Acts 28:11-31, Mark 6: 1-13 The Acts of the Apostles Paul in Rome - still witnessing Hugh Barne
Sun 01st Jul 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Acts 27: 1-44 The Acts of the Apostles Paul is shipwrecked Hugh Barne
Sun 10th Jun 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Acts 12:1-19, Mark 3:20-35 The Acts of the Apostles A Praying Church Hugh Barne
Sun 20th May 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Acts 2: 1-21, John 15: 26-16:4 The Acts of the Apostles Pentecost - amazing wind and fire Hugh Barne
Sun 13th May 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Acts 1: 6-11, John 11: 44-53 The Acts of the Apostles Jesus - the final view Hugh Barne
Sun 29th Apr 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Acts 7, John 15 1-8 The Acts of the Apostles Stephen - where is God? Hugh Barne
Sun 01st Apr 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am 1 Corinthians 15: 12-22, Luke 24: 13-27 Resurrection Hope Hugh Barne
Sun 25th Mar 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Zechariah 9: 9-13, Mark 11: 1-11 Christ the coming King Hugh Barne
Sun 18th Feb 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Deut 18:15-19, Isaiah 61:1-3, Matt 5: 1-12 Beatitudes The secret of happiness Hugh Barne
Sun 28th Jan 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Proverbs 6:6-11, 10: 2-5. 11:1, Luke 17:7-10 Wisdom in Proverbs Diligent Hands - Sluggards and Swindlers! Hugh Barne
Sun 07th Jan 2018 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Proverbs 1: 1-8, 15:30-33, Luke 10:39-42 Wisdom in Proverbs Listening Ears Hugh Barne
Sun 31st Dec 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Phil 3: 12-14, Psalm 115 The New Year - look back and forward Hugh Barne
Sun 24th Dec 2017 18:00 Mediaplay Christmas is Good News, not fake. Hugh Barne
Sun 17th Dec 2017 18:00 Mediaplay John 1: 1-14 From darkness to light at Christmas Hugh Barne
Sun 03rd Dec 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Phil 2: 1-13, Isaiah 45:22-25 The humility of Christ Hugh Barne
Sun 19th Nov 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 2, John 19 Jesus meets... Jesus meets earthly power Hugh Barne
Sun 29th Oct 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Col 3: 1-4, John 11: 1-44 Jesus meets... Jesus meets sorrow Hugh Barne
Sun 15th Oct 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 95, John 5: 1-18 Jesus meets... Jesus meets a paralytic Hugh Barne
Sun 17th Sep 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Psalm 114, John 1:30-51 Jesus meets... Jesus meets a sceptic Hugh Barne
Sun 20th Aug 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Isaiah 56: 1-8, Mathew 15: 1-28 Outside and inside Hugh Barne
Sun 30th Jul 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am Romans 8: 26-39, Matthew 13: 44-46 Finding heavenly treasure Hugh Barne
Sun 09th Jul 2017 10:30 Wargrave 9.45am 1 Kings 21: 1-19, 1 Kings Justice Hugh Barne

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Most sermons at St. Mary's are recorded and are available as computer files (.mp3)  so that you can listen to them on your computer at home, or download them to transfer them to your portable music player (eg iPod). These files are stored in the Media Library, which holds the most recent sermons preached and recorded. An archive of sermons from several years back is kept and . Click on "Play" or the Right-chevron in the black box to play the sermon; or click on "Download" to obtain a copy to store on your own computer for playing later. You can also click on the "Passage" Bible references to read the passage(s) on which the sermon is based.  

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  • 10:30 John recent displays recent sermons by John at the 10:30am service
  • Jan 2011 will display all the sermons in that month
  • 2012 will display all the sermons so far in this year
  • "Exodus 3" will display any sermons on Exodus 3
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