Churchwardens and Clergy
At present, the Churchwarden of St. Peter's and St. Paul's is vacant, however, we are supported by Lesley Bell and Karen Larkins until April when the next APCM will be.
Also shown here for completeness are the Parish clergy whose responsibility covers both Parish Churches and the community of the whole Parish.
Steve Turville

Associate Minister
Steve has worshipped at St Mary's for over twenty years and was ordained in July 2017. Prior to taking early retirement, Steve worked for Mars as a Production Operator. Steve's ministry focuses on those who are older, Knowl Hill School and the Caring CoG. He is married to Lesley, who has retired from a career in Education, as Headteacher at Piggott Junior School and Church Schools advisor. Their daughter Nicky and her husband Len work with for 'Youth With A Mission' (YWAM) in Japan.
Telephone: 0118 940 6720