The Electoral Roll

What is it?

This is a list of church members who, by being included on the Roll, have the right to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and elect, or be elected as, members of the Parochial Church Council and Deanery Synod representatives. It is the nearest thing a Church of England Parish has to a formal Membership qualification, and members, even though not residents in the parish, can also qualify to act as Sidesmen at church services, apply to send children to church schools, and be married or buried at the Parish Churches. The wider Church uses the numbers of members in a variety of official statistics

Becoming a member of the Electoral Roll implies accepting a responsibility in corporate worship, prayer, service, fellowship, financial support and sharing the Gospel, so that the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified.

The current list of members is displayed publicly in our Churches, but for Privacy reasons their contact details are no longer included.

Electoral Roll

Electoral Roll 2025 - EVERYONE TO APPLY

In 2025, every parish in the Church of England is required to prepare a completely new Electoral Roll. This means that everyone must reapply, even if you were on the roll last year.

Being on the Electoral Roll allows you to take part in our Annual Parish Church Meeting (APCM) and helps demonstrate your connection to the church. 

The deadline for applications is 30th April 2025. This year, we are moving our applications online which opens on Friday 28th February.  The link to apply will be available from Friday.  For those that are not online, please contact our Electoral Roll Officer -

Please note that we will not be accepting applications until Friday 28th February.
