Flower Arranging

Altar Flowers

The altar flowers at St Mary's are placed there by volunteers on a rota basis.  If you would be willing to take a turn - just once a year - please just sign the sheet on the notice board at the back of the Church for any date when there is a space.  There are explanatory notes in the adjacent folder.

Please do not feel you have to spend a lot of money on the flowers (garden flowers in season are particularly appealing and simple foliage can be very beautiful).

The team have a brief annual meeting in the autumn which will be publicised nearer the time. Anyone who might be interested is very welcome to attend. Please come along, or if you can't make the date, but would like any matters discussed let Sheila know.

If you would just like to have a chat about possibly helping, please do give Sheila a call on 0118 940 3587 or - she would love to hear from you.

