

Announcement: End of an Era

Dear Friends,

At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting last Sunday 14th April, John Cook announced that, because of health reasons, he had decided with sadness that he should retire as Vicar of the Parish of Wargrave with Knowl Hill, at some point over the Summer. His last service is scheduled to be on Sunday 30th June at the Village Festival Songs of Praise service. 

John’s health has been in many of our prayers for some time, and, sad though we are to think of him leaving us, we know that this is the right decision for both Camilla and John. When John Ratings was approaching his retirement after a third of a century in the Parish, it was difficult to envisage how things would be without him. We are now coming to the end of 15 years where the Word of the God has been at the heart of everything we have done in this Parish, and this forms John’s legacy, as we look to steer the times ahead without his hand on the tiller. Details of how we will mark the end of John’s ministry in the Parish will be announced in due course.

We are in a very fortunate position that we have in the Parish, Steve and Richard as well as Andy to assist with funerals, and we are planning how to continue worship throughout the Parish. Moreover, we are fortunate to have so many servant minded members in our Church family.

During the previous gap between vicars (interregnum), a number of the members of the congregation gave talks in services, and, if you feel called to look for an increased role, please do speak to one of the Clergy or Churchwardens. 

The process of advertising for, and selecting, a new Vicar for our Parish, is unfortunately a very drawn-out affair in the Church of England, and so the interregnum is likely to last at least well into next year.

Please join us in your prayers, and heartfelt thanks, for John and Camilla, and for our Parish. 

Sue Witney & Mark Puddy Churchwardens
