Young People

There are a number of ways that we are involved with young people.

Junior Church

Monday Youth Group

We also have a selection of resources that young people can access to help them discover Jesus.

Sundays for Children

imageWe welcome all families within the Parish to join us at the 9.45am Sunday service each week.

On the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays we will have Junior Church activities for children and teenagers during the service.  There will also be the occasional All Age Worship where children will stay in church with their families and friends for the duration of the service e.g. Easter, Harvest.  Every week there is always the opportunity for children to discover the Quiet Children's Area for colouring and reading allowing families to stay together during the service.  On the 3rd Sunday, we invite all children to this space for activities based on the talk theme.

For more information about Junior Church activities, please contact the .
